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What products do you hope to see from me for 5.x?

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My 4.x products can be put into one of two categories:

  1. Theme tweaks (“Enhanced …”)
  2. Pages database sets (“Super…”)

Category 1 seems to become almost impossible with 5.x, as theme templates only allow functional injections, not the replacements of template code I used before. 

Category 2 might still be possible. I haven’t had a chance to look into the ACP of 5.x. But IPS just announced the new Page Builder for 5.x, which offers a native functionality similar to what I offered with my bestsellers like SuperGrid and SuperBlocks. Sure, my products come with tons of additional options and visual improvements for various use cases – those are nice to have, but I am not sure they will be significant enough to justify the development and support of dedicated template products. And the closing of the Marketplace will reduce chances for sales even more. 

So, what do you think? Will those native feature be good enough for you? Which of my products do you hope to see continued and why? I am still happy and willing to explore a continuation of some of my products for 5.x, but looking at the status quo, there is a good chance that it might not be viable. 

My IPS license for opentype.space still runs until early 2025. If I need to close shop, it would probably happen at this time, but also not earlier. Until then, I am happy to explore if a new chapter is still possible. 

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Insofar as :

  1. the sale of physical products is a vital part of our non-profit association's income 
  2. the design of our site is based almost entirely on your SuperGrid product
  3. I found the way Invision treated their customers when they made their arbitrary choices for their V5 was detestable
  4. I have neither the time nor the financial resources to pay someone or spend hours migrating a functional V4 site to a potentially broken V5 site, with a breakdown in service during the migration.

I won’t migrate my Community to Invision V5 and stay under V4.

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I would bet on 2 – if things will happen as it looks now. So far, everything in the IC5-ACP looks as if nothing has happened with Pages except for the Page Builder. They must still have something in development. All other templates (category, article...) still look as bad as under IC4. Or I haven't understood it yet.

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although more up-to-date, the IPB environment is aesthetically very crude, I would say far from what we can see on the more well-known sites, I don't know, starting with Youtube or X.
This is why I believe that an updated and very refined version of SuperGrid will be on my shopping list as soon as it is available.
Currently my site is literally based on your plugins, so I hope you will be able to dedicate time and resources to IPB 5.0 as well.
Otherwise I might rethink my upgrade policy and stick to 4.x as much as possible

Edited by Mauro Maratta
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IPS Community becomes unwieldly when you have more than a handful of forums, blogs, galleries, clubs and Pages. Being able to allow users to browse through these offerings in a visually appealing and easily discoverable fashion would truly elevate the platform. Version 5 so far doesn't seem to improve on this problem so I would "really" welcome an updated version of SuperDirectory.

I would probably repurchase other "Super" products but would want to see a proposed product description (based on any limitations you encounter on v5) prior to saying yay or nay.


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We are a non-profit organization that provides parenting classes/groups to Chicago parents.  Our site uses your SuperGrid and SuperDirectory templates with several Pages Databases.  We really need your new versions that will work for Invision 5.0!

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Even if the new 5.x version provides a way for users, through a lot of work, to create a similar look and feel that your templates provide, I would prefer to simply pay for your plugin option(s) rather than have to figure it all out myself.

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