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Everything posted by admin

  1. SuperGrid is just a template set. It doesn’t contain any custom queries. The queries all come from the core and the data is then displayed through the SuperGrid template structure. That’s it. So I don’t think your issues are actually caused by SuperGrid.
  2. My 4.x products can be put into one of two categories: Theme tweaks (“Enhanced …”) Pages database sets (“Super…”) Category 1 seems to become almost impossible with 5.x, as theme templates only allow functional injections, not the replacements of template code I used before. Category 2 might still be possible. I haven’t had a chance to look into the ACP of 5.x. But IPS just announced the new Page Builder for 5.x, which offers a native functionality similar to what I offered with my bestsellers like SuperGrid and SuperBlocks. Sure, my products come with tons of additional options and visual improvements for various use cases – those are nice to have, but I am not sure they will be significant enough to justify the development and support of dedicated template products. And the closing of the Marketplace will reduce chances for sales even more. So, what do you think? Will those native feature be good enough for you? Which of my products do you hope to see continued and why? I am still happy and willing to explore a continuation of some of my products for 5.x, but looking at the status quo, there is a good chance that it might not be viable. My IPS license for opentype.space still runs until early 2025. If I need to close shop, it would probably happen at this time, but also not earlier. Until then, I am happy to explore if a new chapter is still possible.
  3. Sorry, I am not sure what the question is. Are you looking for someone to set this up for you? Or are you asking if that is technically possible?
  4. Well, it is easily achievable if you know how to customize the templates. You would just need to add {$row->record_views} to show the record views in a listing template. But if you are not experienced with HTML coding and the IPS framework, I would not suggest to do it. That’s all I can say unfortunately. I can’t walk people through customizations.
  5. It was mentioned already in the first post, but since I still get a lot of questions about this, let me clarify it again: There is no option to move over purchases from the IPS Marketplace to this website and I do not plan to create such an option. A few developers moved their applications from the IPS Marketplace to their own website and installed an import script, so that Marketplace customers maintain access to updates on the developer’s website. While this is a nice option, it is not something all developers must do or will do. I decided against it and there are several reasons for it. I do not expect that any of my products will need updates in the 4.x product line. IPS is not developing the 4.x product line further and there will only be minor updates in the future. My template & theme products will likely continue to work as long as 4.x is available and supported. Adding all my ~30 products to the Downloads system here would be a lot of work for nothing, if no update is ever needed. I will of course still provide full support if there are issues with any resource. This is handled manually through the forums or private messages. I never intended to sell my products directly. This is because of the taxation and bookkeeping requirements in my country. In addition, with 5.x around the corner, sales for 4.x products are winding down. That’s why moving the products to my own store is not an option for me. It’s just not worth the effort. 5.x would be a new start. I do not yet know what will happen to my products with Invision Community 5. Some of my products will probably be impossible with 5.x. The Pages templates products, if continued, will probably be needed to be recreated again from scratch to work with the new CSS/HTML/JS framework. That means there couldn’t be free upgrades anyway. If I would continue to offer products, it would be a fresh start either here or on some other marketplace I might choose to sell my future resources. Having a 4.x purchase on file here wouldn’t make a difference and therefore an import of your purchases is not necessary or useful. Long story short: No action is currently required on your part regarding my products on your community websites. Just keep them installed and you can keep using them as long as you are on Invision Community 4.x.
  6. As said in the first post, I don’t expect there will be a need for any updates anymore in the 4.x product line. If something would come up, I would probably deliver it via private message.
  7. I cannot offer cheap products separately because of taxation and bookkeeping requirements in my country. As a compromise, I created a bundle of all my products (linked above). That’s the only option at the moment.
  8. With the closure of the IPS Marketplace, my products for Invision Community 4 are not available separately anymore. But I am now offering a bundle of all my current 4.x files for just $99 instead of $371 (combined price). What’s included: Add Items to Mobile Navbar (value $16) Apple Music Song Embedding (value $18) Enhanced Commerce Views (value $20) Enhanced Forum Views (value of $20) Enhanced Member Widgets (value of $14) Enhanced Similar Content Widget (value of $14) Pages SuperAccordion Pro (value of $20) Pages SuperBlocks (value of $25) Pages SuperDirectory (value of $22) Pages SuperDocs (value of $18) Pages SuperGallery (value of $18) Pages SuperGrid (value of $25) Pages SuperHelp (value of $18) Pages SuperList (value of $15) Pages SuperQuote (value of $15) Pages SuperReviews (value of $25) Pages SuperTopics (value of $16) Pages SuperVote (value 0f $20) Sticky Contact Us Button (value of $12) SuperShow YouTube Feed Widget (value of $25) SuperTimeline (value of $15) Notes and Conditions: All files are provides as XML to be installed in the plugin section of the 4.x ACP The products can be installed on Invision Community 4.7 and later versions of 4.x. The purchase does NOT qualify for updates to Invision Community 5. Only basic support for the usage of the products is provided. There will likely NOT be any compatibility updates for later versions of 4.x unless there are crucial issues (like completely breaking a page view). There are no additional discounts for users who have already purchased some of my products. Check the product links above for product details and installation instructions License covers installation on multiple websites as long as they are fully owned by the customer making the purchase
  9. As you might have heard, IPS is shutting down its Marketplace. What does that mean if you bought any of my products in the past? Products for Invision Community 4.x All my products for Invision Community 4.x are expected to remain functional throughout the entire 4.x life cycle. IPS will only release minor updates for 4.x from now on and I don’t think there will be any breaking changes that require updates for my products. For that reason, there is also no need to manually move over all purchases from the IPS Marketplace to this website. However, I strongly suggest that you make use of the Marketplace as long as it exists! If any of my products are shown to have updates available, update them now before the Marketplace shuts down. If you bought any of my products, but they are currently not installed, install them again so they remain accessible to you even after the Marketplace shutdown. If you plan to stay on 4.x for a while, check out my new SuperBundle of all my 4.x products. https://www.opentype.space/files/file/5-invision-community-4x-superbundle/ Products for Invision Community 5.x It’s impossible to say at this point what will happen with my products and Invision Community 5.x. I will first have to see and test the alpha versions of the product to know anything for certain. However, all of my products are plugins and many of them use theme template edits. As far as I understand it, both of these functionalities are going away with Invision Community 5. Therefore there is a good chance that those products will not be updated for Invision Community 5. I am most interested in bringing my “Pages database template” products over to Invision Community 5, but again, it’s impossible to say at this point if that is possible or needed anymore, as IPS has also announced overhauling Pages. I will update this topic as soon as I know more.
  10. By default, Pages databases work like a blogging system. You just add a title and a body text to each record. But with custom fields, you can present any kind of content. It’s an extremely powerful and versatile system to collect and show data around your community topic. But as you might have found out already, the styling options for custom fields are limited and often you will have to turn on the “Custom listing/display view format” options and write your own HTML code. This article is a collection of useful code snippets based on years of experience setting up custom Pages databases.
  11. SuperAccordion Pro is a (record feed) block template for Pages databases. It allows the display of database records in a compact way where users don’t have to open each record to see the content. You can use it for FAQ databases, instructions and similar uses with text content consisting of one or a couple of paragraphs. What is required: Latest IPS installation with the Pages applications and access to Pages Databases You should be familiar with setting up Pages databases and Pages blocks. (Keep in mind: This product is not an app. The setup and the content creation happens through the regular use of Pages. The product only delivers a template to turn a feed block into an accordion.) What is supported: Pages feed blocks for Pages databases Fields: title field, content field, record image, custom listing fields (like badges) Installation and customization: Follow the instruction on the demo page Settings: Simplified mode Hides the block title and the borders Notes: Colors are inherited from the theme, so it can work on installations with multiple themes. There are no additional color settings. SuperAccordion works best for a records consisting of a few paragraphs or short lists. The use for long articles is not recommended and might lead to unexpected results.
  12. I had a look at your site. The forum text on mobile should come from this declaration, which you should be able to override in the custom.css @media screen and (max-width: 767px) .ipsType_normal { font-size: 13px; } }
  13. @Claudia In general: I would suggest to adjust the “Font Scale” settings in the Theme settings. This would be global, but if your new/custom font looks smaller, than it will be smaller everywhere. There is no easy way to just increase the size on mobile. You would of course need to use a media query, but you would also have to specifically target certain CSS classes and there are so many of them.
  14. admin

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  15. Yes, this is the sidebar demonstration. It works just as in the main content column, but without the record image.
  16. By default, the records you create will show in the SuperAccordion blocks, but they are also still regular Pages records. This means, they will appear in the Discovery feeds and members can open the records individually. Depending on your use case, this might be useful. But if you only want your records to appear on the page with the SuperAccordion blocks, there is a solution for that. In fact, it is a Pages solution that is not even limited to SuperAccordion. You can use it in other situations as well. Here is how it works: Create your Pages database and your page to put the database on as usual. But set the permissions so that only you as admin will be allowed to even see this page. This way, all records are hidden from members and guests. Now in the settings for your SuperAccordion feed blocks, turn off the option “Honor Permissions”. This way, the blocks will be shown but the page and the records remain inaccessible for anyone but you.
  17. The ordering is set up in the block settings. You can choose an ordering field and whether the order should be ascending or descending. There is no drag-and-drop ordering for Pages records. If the default ordering options aren’t sufficient, you might need to create ordering options yourself. You could order the entries by the title and add a number in front of each title. Or you create a hidden ordering field.
  18. SuperAccording Pro only comes with one setting: a ‘simple mode’ which removes the title and the borders from all SuperAccordion blocks. All colors are inherited from your theme, so SuperBlocks should work well with any theme.
  19. Buy and install SuperAccordion Pro through the IPS Marketplace Create a Pages database and put it on a page Create records in the database using at least the stock fields “title” and “content”. If you create an FAQ database, the title field will be the question and the content field will be the answer. Use multiple categories for your Pages database if you want to have multiple SuperAccordion blocks. Create at least one Pages block with the type “feed block” and choose the database which you created in step 3. If you create multiple blocks, pick a category as feed source, so the block will only show records from one specific category. This is how the blocks on this page were created. Make sure the number of entries set for the block is higher than the number of entries you want for the category. Also, choose a reasonable sorting option, like “Record ID, ascending”. While setting up the block, choose “SuperAccordion Pro” as template for the block. Open the block manager on the front end and drag the “Custom Block” from the Pages section onto the page. Select the block you just created. Repeat step 5 to 8 until you have added all blocks you want on your page.
  20. SuperAccordion Pro can be used in the main content column and in the sidebar. You can add one SuperAccordion block or multiple SuperAccordion blocks. If you use multiple blocks, they will work together. Opening an entry in one block will close open entries in other blocks. The use of the ‘record image’ is only supported in the main column.
  21. SuperAccordion Pro can show all the regular content of a Pages database by default. This includes the ‘title’ and the ‘content field’ as well as the ‘record image‘. You can also add badges and other inline fields. User interactions like comments, reactions and reviews are not shown.
  22. You need Invision Community with the Pages application installed. It is also recommended that you are already familiar with the process of setting up Pages database and Pages blocks in the ACP.
  23. It’s a block template for Pages databases. It allows the display of database records in a compact way where users don’t have to open each record to see the content. You can use it for FAQ databases, instructions and similar uses with text content consisting of one or a couple of paragraphs. It is not recommend for long articles or complex articles with embedded content.
  24. Invision Community currently comes with a choice of seven webfonts in the default theme. If you want to use different fonts, you have to customize your theme. This article explains, how this is done.
  25. Email clients can identify email senders with a picture—for example, after you have manually set one for a specific sender. If your logo appears next to your site emails, it doesn’t just help with your branding—it will also make your emails look more professional and trustworthy and in turn probably also increase the opening rate. But how can you make sure that all your community members will see your site logo next to your emails? I am going to describe two methods: the proper, future-proof (but more complex) way and a quick hack specifically for Google Mail users. And by the way: having the logo next to your emails might even be more useful than having it within the emails, which is an option you can turn on or off in the ACP. Images in emails are blocked by default in more and more email clients, so the logo within the email will often simply not show at all. The profile image representing the sender doesn’t look very appealing, does it? Much better, isn’t it? As you can see in the image above, I usually set up a ‘noreply’ address for the outgoing community emails. This signals to the users, that they should not reply to those emails and instead visit the community. You may or may not monitor the inbox for your outgoing emails. There are advantages and disadvantages for both options and it depends on the specific community and the technical setup what’s recommendable. But I would always suggest to use a custom email address for emails from the community. Don’t just put in your own main email address!
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